How to Reduce and Prevent Mold Growth in Your Industrial or Commercial Property

Although mold is naturally found in environments everywhere, indoors and out, it can become a genuine and challenging problem when it starts growing in homes, offices and other occupational settings.

This is critical because mold growth can cause or worsen acute and chronic health conditions affecting the health and well-being of anyone who spends time in the workplace environment, from employees to customers to suppliers.

We’ve mentioned this before but it bears repeating: mold can grow on just about any surface provided it has water/moisture, a nutrient source and its preferred temperature. It stands to reason then that mold growth is hindered or eliminated when excess water or moisture is eliminated.

If your goal is to prevent mold growth in your industrial or commercial property, your first steps should focus on eliminating ALL excess moisture and water.

We offer some additional tips as they relate to your industrial or commercial property.

  • Identify and address any areas of existing mold growth on building finishes, furnishings and other materials. We recommend calling mold testing and remediation professionals immediately to determine exactly what you’re dealing with and to discuss potential remediation options.
  • Identify any existing dampness, condensation or other moisture, and correct the source of the problem immediately so that it does not reoccur.
  • Repair all plumbing and other leaks immediately, as well as any related damage caused by them.
  • In warm weather, ensure HVAC pans are clean and able to work efficiently.
  • Maintain a relative humidity (RH) level of 50% or less. According to the Canada Mortgage Housing Corporation, a relative humidity of 30% or less may be required in winter to prevent window condensation and the RH should never exceed 45% during winter [source].
  • Ensure that any heat-producing equipment, such as stoves or dryers, is vented to the outdoors according to applicable and governing building codes.
  • Ensure that bathrooms and kitchens are vented properly according to applicable and governing building codes.
  • To reduce indoor moisture levels, consider taking corrective action, such as improving ventilation, repairing leaks or operating a dehumidifier (depending on your objective).
  • Ensure that any reports of musty or moldy odours are investigated and remediated as quickly as possible.
  • Ensure the entire building envelope, including door and window access, is thoroughly sealed against potential water infiltration.
  • Ensure adequate drainage, including ensuring backfill is sloped away from the foundation of the commercial or industrial property.
  • Follow the regular preventive maintenance schedule of the HVAC system and its major components, including for building inspections and maintenance.
  • Ensure that any HVAC system components exposed to water, including the coils, cooling apparatus, humidifiers and drain pans, are kept scrupulously clean and follow appropriate maintenance. Your equipment manufacturer should provide a recommended maintenance schedule.


Have a question about mold inspection or remediation services in your Toronto commercial, industrial or residential building? Contact the Toronto remediation professionals today! Free consult when you call us at 416-575-6111.

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